UoE policies which may prove helpful in an emergency situation Staff planning on travelling on University business as well as Administrative staff should make themselves aware of the various University policies which may impact on travel or be helpful in an emergency situation. These include; Human Resources Leave and unauthorised absence policies; The policies on leave and unauthorised absences may be helpful for managers who have staff who travel on University business. Leave and absence policy Unauthorised absence policy Finance HTML Staff expenses policies; Specific guidance on levels of reimbursement and allowable costs is available on the webpage linked below; Staff expenses information on Finance website Staff expenses policy (WORD) Insurance Travel insurance must be obtained prior to travel. Staff can request insurance from the Insurance Office using their online form. Travel insurance [SharePoint] Health and Safety HTML University Health and Safety Policy The University Health and Safety policy should be followed as much as possible even when travelling abroad. Health and Safety policy on Health and Safety Department website Travel plan More specific health and safety guidance is also available including a Travel Plan form and travel risk assessments, in the Travel Safety section. HTML School specific policies All staff must make themselves aware of and follow any school specific policies on all matters relating to travel. These include, but are not restricted to, finance policy, leave policy, health and safety policy, emergency procedures policy. Staff should contact their local administration team to receive a copy of these prior to travel as well as during travel if required. This article was published on 2024-11-12
HTML Staff expenses policies; Specific guidance on levels of reimbursement and allowable costs is available on the webpage linked below; Staff expenses information on Finance website Staff expenses policy (WORD) Insurance Travel insurance must be obtained prior to travel. Staff can request insurance from the Insurance Office using their online form. Travel insurance [SharePoint]
HTML University Health and Safety Policy The University Health and Safety policy should be followed as much as possible even when travelling abroad. Health and Safety policy on Health and Safety Department website Travel plan More specific health and safety guidance is also available including a Travel Plan form and travel risk assessments, in the Travel Safety section.
HTML School specific policies All staff must make themselves aware of and follow any school specific policies on all matters relating to travel. These include, but are not restricted to, finance policy, leave policy, health and safety policy, emergency procedures policy. Staff should contact their local administration team to receive a copy of these prior to travel as well as during travel if required.