Occupational Health Service Travel vaccines

Vaccines available from the Occupational Health Service

What vaccines are available from the Occupational Health Service?

Unfortunately, at present the University Occupational Health Service is unable to offer you any travel vaccinations or anti-malarial prophylaxis. Access to travel vaccinations can be found through the following list of external providers (this list is not exhaustive and clinics hold no affiliation with the University of Edinburgh. Individuals may also wish to contact their own GP):

Travel Clinics – NHS Lothian | Our Services

TrExMed Travel Clinic Edinburgh

Edinburgh Travel Clinic - Vaccinations, Antimalarials and Advice

Travel Clinic — HealthLink 360

Employees continue to be encouraged to submit their travel health assessment forms to Occupational Health and to provide external vaccination information to Occupational health for inclusion into individual OH records.

Please be advised that access to free vaccinations for Revaxis (Diphtheria, tetanus and polio), Typhoid, Hepatitis A and Cholera are available through NHS Lothian travel health clinics (see link above) – if you are already registered in NHS Lothian.

If you have a Travel Health related enquiry, we would encourage contact via email correspondence to:

Occupational Health Service

+44(0)131 650 8190

Contact details

Malaria prevention medication

We are currently unable to provide anti-malarial prophylaxis at this time.

Travel first aid kits

We are currently unable to provide travel first aid kits.

What is the approximate cost of the vaccines / malaria medication / kits?

Please contact us for help and more information:

Occupational Health Service

Health and Safety Department

The University of Edinburgh

Contact details