Business travel

Before you travel

This sections details guidance and links on issues you should think of and deal with before you travel. Some general advice is available below.


British Embassies

It is advisable to take a note of the contact details of the local British Embassy in the country you are visiting. Bear in mind the closest Embassy may be in a neighbouring country.

Contact details of the British Embassies are available on the website.

Your rights at the airport

Check the website for advice on your rights at the airport and restrictions on hold luggage, but it is also advisable to check with your flight operator before travelling.

University policies

Policies which relate to travelling on University business

Travel advice and customs by country

Travel advice and customs by country which all staff must make themselves aware of and follow.

Sustainable travel and responsible tourism

Find out more about the University's approach to sustainable travel and resources for responsible tourism.

Passports and visas

Guidance and advice on requirements for passports and visas.

Tracking your travel online

Using online systems to track your travel whilst overseas.

Overseas crises

Guidance on overseas crises issues before you travel

Information security

Prior to any travel, you should read the information on information security and working whilst travelling away from campus

Websites of interest

Foreign travel for disabled people