Tracking your travel online

Guidance on various ways to track your travel online



School requirements

A Business Travel Plan has been formulated, in conjunction with AON, following the Travel Audits in 2012. This form can be used as a template for an itinerary for all overseas business travel.



The University does not have a corporate account with them - Schools may find the system useful and may wish to organise an account locally.


Tracking apps for smart phones

Some apps also allow other users to log into your information and to track your latest position via your own smartphone. These apps are available in the apps store used by your particular make of smartphone.

Travel tracking websites

There are also many websites which allow registered users to track their travel online, as well as post images and other information, such as blogs. You may wish to use one of these sites to keep your family informed of where you are when travelling.

We do not recommend using these as a primary means of keeping your school informed of your whereabouts - there may be issues with the online security of the sites or where you are posting from as well as reliability of access to sufficient online network coverage.




Emergency assistance provider for University staff and students during travel on University business:

Healix - +44 (0)1483 265696

You can also download the App – Healix Travel Oracle App – available from the App Store or Google App.  Policy number (SZ29225182) is required to register.