Guidance on booking an appointment with the Occupational Health Service for travel advice and innoculations. What is a travel health consultation? The advisors within Occupational Health Service are trained travel health nurses. They base their recommendations, including those for vaccines and other medication, on an assessment of risk for the individual traveller, which takes into account the likelihood of acquiring a disease and how serious this might be for the person concerned. Key elements of the travel health consultation include the pre-travel health status of the traveller, destination(s), duration and purpose of travel, the mode of transport, accommodation and food hygiene, and risk behaviour while travelling. You should complete the following Travel Health Assessment Form as fully as you can and submit to the Occupational Health Service to arrange an appointment for a pre-travel health assessment. Document Travel Health Assessment: Form OHF5 (PDF) (351.62 KB / PDF) Document Travel Health Assessment: Form OHF5 (WORD) (283.5 KB / DOCX) Once OHS have received your health questionnaire one of the advisors will contact you with their advice and recommendations. How do I find out if I require travel health information/vaccination? If you are planning an overseas visit as part of you work or studies it is important to consider your travel health needs. You should complete the above Travel Health Assessment Form as fully as you can and submit to the Occupational Health Service. How do I arrange a pre-travel health consultation? Following submission of the Travel Health Assessment form, Occupational Health will be able to provide advice on actions you need to take prior to your travel. Occupational Health Service Health and Safety Department The University of Edinburgh Contact details Work: +44 (0)131 650 8190 Fax: +44 (0)131 650 9149 Email: Do I need to provide any information to book an appointment? You will be asked to provide details of your financial authoriser as the cost of any vaccines /anti-malarials etc. is charged back to your department. You will also be asked to complete a short health questionnaire prior to being given any vaccine. It is also important to obtain as much information relating to your previous vaccination history as you possibly can. Your GP should be able to help you with this. Vaccines available at OHS This article was published on 2024-11-12