Travel health

Guidance and advice on aspects of your health both before you travel and whilst travelling.

Health advice when travelling

The University Occupational Health Service provide individually tailored advice and information on how to protect your health whilst travelling on University business or research. Please review our Travel Health Services via the link below and ensure you contact us as required.


When to contact us

Ideally at least 6 weeks prior to departure date (as you may require more than one visit to the Occupational Health Service to complete some vaccination schedules). However, if your departure date is imminent, it is extremely important that you get travel health advice now to ensure that you are equipped to protect your health whilst travelling for work.


University Occupational Health Service

Tel: +44(0)131 650 8190





Guidance on travelling to areas of high environmental air pollution has been added as an annexe to the travel risk assessment.

The Occupational Health Service can provide individually tailored advice for your travel itinerary and planned activities.

Guidance on booking an appointment with the Occupational Health Service for travel advice and innoculations.

Vaccines available from the Occupational Health Service

General travel health guidance for staff

Advice on travel health insurance requirements

Guidance for taking prescribed medicines or drugs abroad

Advice for University staff or students who intend to travel to, or have recently returned from, an area which is affected by the Zika virus.