Travel advice and customs by country

Travel advice and customs by country which all staff must make themselves aware of and follow.

Travel advice

Prior to travel to any country, you should check the Governement webite,, for guidance on specific hazards or customs in those countries.


All staff should make themselves aware of and follow any customs specific to those countries they will be visiting. Some general advice is available from the ABTA and NHS Fit for Travel websites;

ABTA - local laws and customs

NHS Fit for Travel - culture shock

Country specific advice can be found on the website by searching for the country being visited, inluding travelling during religious festivals. - foreign travel advice - travelling during ramadan

Safe to travel?

Where any doubts arise on whether it is safe to travel to a certain country, you should seek the advice of the Insurance Office as well as your Head of School.

Insurance Department

Finance Department

Contact details

Driving abroad

You must check the specific rules for driving abroad according to each country visited;