
Shikai Liu [Visitor]

Visiting Professor

Current Research

I lead a research group at College of Fisheries in Ocean University of China. Our group mainly works on shellfish genetics and breeding, particularly focuses on understanding and improving complex traits of economic importance, including growth, disease resistance and environment resilience. We currently perform genomic selection breeding in the Pacific oyster toward enhancing its resistance to Vibriosis. We also use genomics and gene editing techniques to study function of genes and pathways underlying trait formation and evolution.

Favorite aquaculture species

Oysters (to work with), salmon and tuna (to eat)


[2008-2014]  PhD in Aquaculture genomics and genetics (Auburn University, USA)

[2014-2017]  Postdoctoral research fellow (Auburn University, USA)

[2017-present]  Professor, Ocean University of China

Interests, hopes and dreams

I love animals, especially marine ornamental species. I wish I can have a big aquarium (bigger than my current one) with stable system to hold various colorful creatures from coral reefs.



Prof Shikai Liu outside Roslin Institute