Information Services

Ada Lovelace Day 2019 - call for proposals

Submit presentation or workshop ideas for the University’s annual Ada Lovelace Day celebrations.

Ada Lovelace Day is an annual event whose goal is to raise the profile of women in science, technology, engineering, and maths, and to create new role models for girls and women in these fields.

This year will be the eleventh Ada Lovelace Day and to celebrate we’re now accepting proposals for potential presentations, demonstrations or workshops at the University’s own event.

A full day of activities are planned for Tuesday 8th October at various University campuses.

Suggest an Ada Lovelace Day activity

Each idea submitted will be reviewed by the Ada Lovelace Day committee. Key criteria will be availability, audience and how it connects with the theme of Ada Lovelace Day. Please note the deadline for submissions is ???.

Submit your idea for a talk or workshop (Google Form)

Ada Lovelace Day 2017 short film

Watch footage from Ada Lovelace Day 2017 at the University of Edinburgh. Via Media Hopper Create you can watch and download a Creative Commons licenced (CC BY-SA) full HD version for sharing, repurposing and remixing.

Keep up to date

Read our blog and follow the official Twitter hashtag, #ALD19, for updates on this year’s preparations.

The University of Edinburgh’s Ada Lovelace Day blog

Ada Lovelace Day Twitter hashtag