Information Services

Let's Talk About Data

We are excited to introduce our online learners to the diversity of data in our upcoming MOOCs. 'Delivering Research Data Management Services' starts 2 September on FutureLearn and a launch date will be confirmed soon for 'Driving Business Value from Data and AI'.

Let's Talk About Data logo

Delivering Research Data Management Services

Data Future Learn

The course is a collaboration between two internationally recognised centres for excellence in digital curation: the UK based Digital Curation Centre; and Dutch partners, Research Data Netherlands. Both organisations have a history of providing training in Research Data Management through workshops and online courses. The MOOC is aimed at a range of support audiences from the HE sector including researchers, librarians and research office staff and will cover topics including: gap analysis; first steps; data sharing and publishing; and producing a roadmap.

Visit FutureLearn for the course description and trailer.


Driving Business Value from Data and AI

Data Lab logo

The business world is awash with buzzwords, many of which relate to AI and the use of data. It can seem overwhelming at times as we navigate through the noise to find out what is important and what is just rebranding of last year’s ideas.

This course, delivered by The Data Lab, Scotland’s Innovation Centre for Data and AI, will take learners beyond the hype by demonstrating how they can drive value for their business through better use of data and AI. The course will also help learners to answer the question “Where do I start…..without spending too much money?”

Visit Edx for the course description and trailer.

The Data Lab website

The Data Lab Twitter


(Ed. this article was published on 31 Jul, 2019)