Information Services

Global engagement with online learning open days

500 prospective online students from 88 different countries attended our live online learning open days on 24 and 25 April to learn more about studying a masters degree online.

The University held 70 live sessions across the two days, 16 of which addressed student support and admissions information, including presentations by Library Services and the Careers Service, and 54 subject-specific sessions. 20 current online students, based as far away as Australia, Canada and Uganda, contributed to the sessions by sharing stories of their experience as online learners with prospective students. 

Participant feedback

Initial feedback from participants highlighted that they found it easy to use the online interactive software used to host the sessions: 

[I] found the software easy to use, it worked for me and appeared to work well for other people too, which surprised me. This makes me feel more confident about studying online, if the software is the same as used on course I feel as though I wouldn’t encounter technical difficulties.

Sessions and day was well structured, easy to access and gave a really good overview of the topics.

Actively taking part in interactive subject sessions gave participants an insight into the detail of each programme, and reassured them that online learning is a viable and robust mode of delivery for a masters degree:

The program structure and details on the coursework load reassured me that this would be a manageable course to pursue while working.

Really enjoyed the subject session, nice to meet potential fellow students ahead of the programme.

Recordings of sessions

The live sessions, which were hosted on Blackboard Collaborate, were recorded and are available now to catch up on or watch again.

Catch up on recordings of the live sessions

Related links

Postgraduate online degrees


(Ed. this article was originally published on 7 May, 2019)