Centre for Reproductive Health

CRH involvement in PET events

The Progress Educational Trust (PET), in partnership with the Scottish Government, is currently running free reproductive health events, involving a number of CRH researchers and associates.

Professor Rod Mitchell
Professor Rod Mitchell

These events are all via Zoom and everyone is welcome. All sessions are chaired by PET Director, Sarah Norcross.

'Advances in Assisted Reproduction: What Can We Expect?'

This took place on Wednesday 6 October 2021 from 5.30pm-7pm. The presentations were enlightening and the combined speakers gave an excellent overview of how fertility preservation and assisted reproduction has progressed to the point we are at now.

Speakers included CRH’s Professor Rod Mitchell and CRH Associates Professor Evelyn Telfer and Professor Adèle Marston.


If you missed this event, you can catch up on the highlights here.


PET Conference 6 Oct 2021

You may wish to join the pending PET / SG online event: 'Female Fertility: What Does the Future Hold?' on Wednesday 20 October 2021 from 5.30pm-7pm (BST).

Speakers include CRH’s Colin Duncan and Richard Anderson.

For more information on these events and for registration details, click on this link.