Bangladesh and Nepal

Postgraduate entry requirements for students from Bangladesh and Nepal.


For entry to a masters programme at the University of Edinburgh, students will require completion of a four-year Bachelor’s degree from the following approved institutions from Bangladesh, with a minimum of 1st class grades or 3.25 GPA:

  • Bangladesh University of Professionals
  • BRAC University Dhaka
  • BUET - Bangladeshi University of Engineering and Technology
  • CUET - Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
  • Daffodil International University
  • East West University
  • Independent University Dhaka
  • Jahangirnagar University
  • Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
  • North South University Dhaka
  • RUET - Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology
  • University of Chittagong
  • University of Dhaka
  • United International University
  • American International University of Bangladesh
  • The University of Rajshahi
  •  Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
  • Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
  • Independent University Bangladesh
  • The University of Rajshahi

Alternatively, students who have successfully completed a Bachelor (Honours) degree of at least three years duration, are required to have already completed a master's degree from a recognised institution in Bangladesh – with minimum 1st class grades achieved.

PhD programmes

Application to PhD study typically requires a masters degree in a related or relevant subject, and a research proposal.

However, entry requirements vary by programme, and you should check the detailed entry requirements are listed under each programme on the Degree Finder.

Degree Finder

How to write a research proposal


For entry to a master’s programme at the University of Edinburgh, students will require completion of a four-year Bachelor’s degree from the following approved institutions from Nepal, with a minimum of 1st class grades or 3.25 GPA:

  • Kathmandu University
  • Pokhara University
  • Tribhuvan University

Alternatively, students who have successfully completed a Bachelor (Honours) degree of at least three years duration, are required to have already completed a masters degree from a recognised institution in Nepal - with minimum 1st class grades achieved.

PhD programmes

Application to PhD study typically requires a masters degree in a related or relevant subject, and a research proposal.

However, entry requirements vary by programme, and you should check the detailed entry requirements are listed under each programme on the Degree Finder.

Degree Finder

How to write a research proposal

Further guidance on academic entry requirements

You can also obtain further guidance on admissions requirements from staff in the College Admissions Offices.

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

College of Science and Engineering

English Language requirements

All applicants are required to demonstrate a level of English language competency, regardless of their nationality or country of residence. These requirements are listed by programme.

English Language advice

Specific English language requirement by programme

Applicant support

Our representatives for Bangladesh and Nepal are Rupal Parikh and Rachael Parsons.

You can contact us for advice and support by emailing:

Browse our events calendar to see if we are hosting an event in your area:

Events calendar

Review student visa requirements on our Student Immigration Service website:

Student Immigration Service

Support in your country

We currently work with education agents in many different countries and regions globally:

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There are around 7,250 students from Asia currently studying at the University of Edinburgh.