Functionality within a session
The functionality available in Collaborate sessions and how this differs by role.
Range of functionality available through Collaborate
A range of functionality can be made available to use within a session. This includes:
- Audio and video sharing (webcam)
- Interactive whiteboard
- PowerPoint display
- Screen/Application sharing – including audio or video resources.
- Polling
- Breakout rooms
- Session recording
Factors determining functionality in an individual session
The Moderator of a session as full control over a session. They determine what functionality is made available to participants in their session. They also determine the user roles for participants in a session, and that in turn also determines what functionality they have access to, individually:
Additional factors determining functionality
Number of users in a session
Exceptionally large numbers of users in a session (>250) will mean that the range of functionality is reduced, either to the whole group or those with certain roles:
Hardware and software of users
The technology available to users, including their Internet connection and browser, will determine the degree to which they can use the functionality made available to them in a session. This will also determine the accessibility of the session, to some extent.
Hardware and Software Requirements
Information on the different functions
Audio and video sharing (webcam):
Audio and Video (Class Support)
Interactive whiteboard:
Share whiteboard (Class Support)
PowerPoint Display:
Best Practice for PowerPoint Slides
Sharing Slides (Class Support)
Screen/Application sharing (Moderators only):
Share Screen (Class Support)
Share Audio and Video (only available using the Chrome browser) (Class Support)
Polling (Class Support)
Polling: Help for Moderators (Class Support)
Breakout rooms:
How to create and facilitate Breakout Groups (Class Support)
Session recording:
Recording and Storage Management
If you require further assistance:
Related Links
Creating and Accessing Sessions
Advice on Planning or Participating in a Session