Information Services

Virtual Classroom

Services which allow you and your students to communicate and collaborate.

Virtual Classroom Tools Comparison Resource


Collaborate is the University supported virtual classroom and meeting tool.


Zoom logo
Zoom is a cloud-based video and audio meeting platform used within the University for teaching, research and informal meetings.

Advice on Planning or Participating in a Session

Photo of a student browsing the University website on a laptop
Advice on how to prepare and plan a Collaborate or Zoom session, whatever your role.

Virtual Classroom Good Practice Guides

Notebook and red pen
Good practice guidance for anyone hosting or participating in an online session, this is not platform specific.

Virtual Classroom Policy

Photo of a female student working on a laptop
Find out more about the University policy for virtual classrooms for staff and students

Session Security Tips

Open and closed padlocks
Information on how to keep your Collaborte and Zoom sessions secure