Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research

Podcast: Current evidence and advice around COVID-19 for asthma patients and clinicians

The Lancet Voice podcast invited Professor Hilary Pinnock to join a special episode discussing asthma and Covid-19

Earlier this April, The Lancet Voice podcast invited Professor Hilary Pinnock from Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research to join a special episode discussing Asthma and Covid-19.

During the podcast, Hilary gave her view of the available evidence and advice for asthma patients and the clinicians who are caring for them during the COVID-19 outbreak.

"These are challenging times for people with asthma, and for clinicians who want to provide them with the best advice. It was good to be able to discuss Covid-19 and what we know about identifying people with at-risk asthma, optimising routine care, the role of steroids, and the important of action plans."
Professor Hilary Pinnock

You can listen to Hilary’s contribution on The Lancet Voice webpage. Look for: ‘Asthma and COVID-19’.

The Lancet Voice webpage