
Contact us

The Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability is a dedicated team leading the University’s climate strategy and community plan.

Name Role Email Research Interests
Dave Gorman Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Dave is the department’s director and is the lead contact for responsible and social investments, sustainable travel policy and overall climate policy. Dave is a member of the University Executive, Investment Committee and Estates Committee. For meetings and diary planning, contact Dave’s PA, Wendy McDonald.

Scott Davidson Deputy Director SRS & Head of Sustainability

Scott is the department’s deputy director and leads on the University climate strategy and sustainability. For meetings please contact Scott's PA, Shireen Jawas.

General enquiries

Address: Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability, The Boilerhouse, High School Yards, Edinburgh, EH1 1LT

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Sustainability Unit

Name Role Email Research Interests
Scott Davidson Deputy Director SRS & Head of Sustainability

Scott is the department’s deputy director and leads on the University climate strategy and sustainability. For meetings please contact Scott's PA, Shireen Jawas.

Jill Burnett Senior Implementation Manager

Contact to discuss embedding sustainability in the University’s decision-making structures, business cases, culture, Colleges and Schools.

Iwona Cameron Senior Climate, Biodiversity and Sustainability Manager

Iwona manages the teams that work on Climate Strategy, carbon reporting, supply chains, labs, sustainable buildings, Sustainability Awards and the Sustainability Framework.

Matthew Lawson Senior SRS Learning, Teaching and Reporting Manager

Contact for learning, teaching, reporting and sector awards queries, such as the Green Gown Awards, QS Rankings, and THE sustainability rankings.

Andrew Arnott Climate, Biodiversity and Sustainability Manager

Contact to discuss the University’s Climate Strategy and also the Sustainable Campus Fund.

Susie Cook Sustainability Implementation Manager

Contact Susie to find out about embedding sustainability into research and innovation practice.

Ian Glen Senior Design Lead (Secondment)

Contact Glen about sustainability in the curriculum.

Georgia Law Biodiversity Programme Manager

Contact for all things biodiversity and related adaptation projects, including green space mapping, Hedgehog Friendly Campus and the University’s Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

Lauren McLeron Behaviour Change Programme Manager

Contact for information about behaviour change initiatives that relate to climate, biodiversity and sustainability. 

Alan Peddie Sustainability Training Manager

Contact to find out about staff and student training, including Carbon Literacy training and the Sustainability Champions network.

Siôn Pickering Sustainable Business & Fair Trade Programme Manager

Contact for information about sustainability in our supply chains, procurement, food and modern slavery.

Louise Ross Carbon and Sustainability Analyst

Contact for information about the University’s carbon, biodiversity and sustainability analysis and reporting. Louise can also be contacted for information on business travel.

Elizabeth Vander Meer Research & Policy Manager (Climate Resilience and Biodiversity)

Liz is currently on secondment. Please contact Georgia Law or Kim Vender instead.

Rachael Barton SRS Projects Coordinator

Contact to find out about sustainable labs, Sustainability Awards and the Sustainability Framework pilot.

Sam Di Risio Training Officer

Contact Sam for information about the University's Carbon Literacy and Biodiversity training.

Lucy Patterson Climate and Sustainability in the Curriculum Coordinator

Contact to find out how to embed sustainability in the University’s curriculum, including living lab projects.

Bradley Richards IT Reuse Technician

Contact to reuse or source IT equipment within the University, or donate to partner organisations, including community projects.

Kim Vender Coastal Restoration Project Coordinator

Contact for information on the University's engagement with blue carbon ecosystems and marine biodiversity.


Name Role Email Research Interests
Sarah Ford-Hutchinson Head of SRS Communications

Sarah leads on the University's overall climate & sustainability narrative and has an excellent working knowledge of climate-positive activity in research, teaching, University operations and partnerships.

Eppy Harries-Pugh Social Responsibility and Sustainability Communications Manager

Contact for queries relating to sustainability and social impact communications.

Cat Rossiter Communications Manager

Contact for queries relating to sustainability and social impact communications.

Alexandra Kuklinski Communications Coordinator

Contact for queries relating to the University’s sustainability brand, website, content and campaigns. 

Eve Redhead Communications Coordinator

Contact if you would like to work with us to promote opportunities on social media or in our newsletter. Eve also works on content and campaigns.

Departmental Operations and Administration

Name Role Email Research Interests
Matthew Lawson Senior SRS Learning, Teaching and Reporting Manager

Contact for learning, teaching, reporting and sector awards queries, such as the Green Gown Awards, QS Rankings, and THE sustainability rankings.

Wendy McDonald SRS Business Manager and PA to the Director

Contact for finance, office and recruitment queries related to the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability. PA to Dave Gorman.

Sarah Barnard Committees and Administration Officer

Contact for details on our committees and administration requests.

Shireen Jawas Administrator and Personal Assistant to Deputy Director

Personal Assistant to Scott Davidson. 

Katarina Zabecka Reporting and Administration Officer

Please contact for reporting queries and administration requests.

Social Impact Unit

Name Role Email Research Interests
Gemma Gourlay Head of Social Impact

Gemma works on Social and Community Impact across the University.

Sarah Anderson Senior Community Engagement Manager

Contact for queries about the University's community strategies and related work, including reporting, evaluation, best practice, contacts, and individual initiatives including community grants, community access to rooms and Dick Vet in the Community premises at 127 Nicolson St.

Bethany Parsons Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager

Contact for information about equality, diversity, and inclusion in the Corporate Services Group.

Aidan Tracey Social Impact Manager

Contact Aidan about Access to Rooms, Community Grants and Community Benefits.

Petra Renman Community Engagement Projects Coordinator

Contact for community grants and other community projects.

Forest and Peatland Project Unit

Name Role Email Research Interests
Yvonne Edwards Forest, Peat and Rural Land Manager

Yvonne works on forest and peatland carbon sequestration, land acquisition and management. Please contact Misti first.

Lewis O'Dea Forest Site Manager

Lewis works on forest and peatland operations. Please contact Misti first.

Dr Annie Yang Forest and Peatland Academic Manager

Annie works on academic engagement for our sites. Contact for research, learning and teaching enquiries.

Amy Russell Data and Geospatial Analyst

Contact about data for the Forest and Peatland Programme.

Julie Wilson Community Ranger

Julie works on community engagement for forest and peatland projects. Please contact Misti first.


Misti Cooper Forest and Peatland Project Coordinator

First point of contact for information about the Forest and Peatland Project.

Matt Holt Forest and Peatland Assistant Project Coordinator

Contact Matt for information about the Forest & Peatland Programme.

Business Development (Edinburgh Innovations)

Name Role Email Research Interests
Charlotte Lee-Woolf Business Development Manager - Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Contact for commercial collaboration and partnership opportunities.

Peter Baker Business Development Executive (Nature & Biodiversity)

Key contact for academics and external organisations seeking support with collaborative research & innovation projects that seek to address nature and biodiversity loss.

Megan Cleary Sustainability Innovation & Reporting Analyst

Responsible for building evidence and insight on sustainability related innovation and impact.

Victoria Darbyshire Business Development Executive (Circular Economy)

Key contact for academics and external organisations seeking support with collaborative research & innovation projects that support the transition to a circular economy.

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