Flexible study

Studying online is a very flexible way to learn. You can study when and where suits you, and work at your own pace.

Online learning is extremely flexible. There are no set lecture or seminar times, allowing you to study conveniently around your busy schedule.

As there are no set times for study, to be successful you will need to be self-motivated and determined. 

Most programmes will require around 10 to 20 hours of study per week, depending on the duration of your programme - check with your programme for more information. How you manage this time is up to you. Some students study for a few hours most days, while others dedicate one or two days a week to their studies.

For online degrees, the University’s academic year is divided into either two semesters or three terms. Core teaching and learning activities for your programme will take place during this time.

Semester dates at the University

A real bonus is that as long as you have an internet connection you can study from anywhere — so far I’ve logged in from Doha, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Istanbul, Belfast, Dublin, Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie and various airports in between!

Samantha Wood

It is a plus with regards to flexibility that participation in online seminars is not mandatory and the seminars are recorded so that you won’t miss anything.

Christian, Spain