Tuition fees and studying costs

Online postgraduate tuition fee rates.


Tuition fees vary between degree programmes. Find the specific fees for your chosen programme in our degree finder.

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What do tuition fees cover?

Tuition fees cover matriculation, tuition and one diet of examination.

Tuition fee discounts

We offer a 10% discount on postgraduate tuition fees for alumni who have graduated with an undergraduate degree from the University of Edinburgh.

We also offer a 10% discount on postgraduate tuition fees for students who have previously matriculated on a "Visiting Programme" as an undergraduate student and completed a minimum of one semester of study at the University of Edinburgh.

The Scholarship and Student Funding site provides a list of programmes not covered by the discount scheme.

Tuition fee discounts

Paying your tuition fees

Making arrangements to pay your fees is part of the matriculation process to become a student at the University of Edinburgh.

The Income Section of the Finance Department is responsible for collecting student academic fees, including tuition fees, course fees, additional programme costs (APCs), and other related charges. We offer various payment methods and options for paying student fees.

Your College or School may also charge other fees.

Student academic fees

Register how you will pay your tuition fees


At the start of every academic year, you must complete a form to tell us how you intend to pay your tuition fees.

When you submit the form, we will email you guidance on the next steps you need to take to pay your tuition fees or to confirm your funding to us. 

Register how you will pay your tuition fees

When to pay

You need to pay your tuition fees and other additional programme costs in full on or before matriculation, and at the start of each new session thereafter.

If you are studying on a part-time intermittent basis then you will be invoiced separately for each course. We refer to this as “invoiced at course level” (ICL). This means your course fees are due in full on or before matriculation, and at the start of each new course thereafter.

How to pay

Self-funded students (including partly self-funded)


As a self-funded student you can pay your tuition fees in full or in most cases we can agree for you to pay by instalments.

If you are paying in full then you must pay your fees as soon as we send your invoice. This will be emailed to your University student email account and visible in the My finance channel of your student portal.

If you are paying by instalments then the standard instalment plan would require you to pay 50% of your tuition fees on or before matriculation and then two instalments of 25% over the academic year.

Self-funded student payment methods

Sponsor-funded students


If your tuition fees are being paid on your behalf by a sponsor, you may need to provide the Fees and Student Support Team with evidence of the award on official headed paper.

If you receive an invoice from us then this means that your funding has either failed, does not cover the fee type charged, or only covers part of the fees charged. If you receive an invoice then you may be expected to pay your fees in full or in part.

Make sure to register how you will pay your tuition fees, and you will be directed to the next steps you need to take to confirm your funding to us. 

Sponsorship or scholarship funded students