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Name Role Business unit(s)
Paul Horrocks Technical Lead
Lisa Horsburgh MSc Coordinator, Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Louise Horsfall
Samuel Horsley
Isabella Hoskins
Peter Hoskins Personal Chair of Medical Physics and Biomechanics
Maks Hostman Technology Support Assistant
Ms Lynette Hothi HR Officer in the School of Health in Social Science
John Hotson PhD Linguistics & English Language
Isidore Houaga Researcher
Professor Dai Hounsell Professor Emeritus
Amy Hounsom Senior Research Contracts Officer
Douglas R. Houston, PhD Principal Investigator
Dr Fiona Houston Senior Research Fellow/Group Leader
Jenni Houston Head of Digital Skills and Training | Learning, Teaching and Web Services | Information Services Group
Kristopher Houston Resident in Ophthalmology
Dr Alex Howard The Poetics of Place and Space in the Works of Philip Larkin
Prema Howard Marketing and Recruitment Lead (PGT)
Dr Sharon Howard Post-Doctoral Research Fellow; Alice Thornton's Books
Danielle Howarth