Dr Theodore Hill (MA, MSt, DPhil)
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
Contact details
- Email: theodore.hill@ed.ac.uk
I came to Edinburgh in January 2024 as a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, in order to undertake the project "Faces of the Divine: The Attribution of Anthropomorphic Emotions to the Gods in Classical Greece". Before that, I was a Teaching Fellow in Classics at Durham for three years (2021-2023), after completing my DPhil at the University of Oxford on "Rulers in Greek Tragedy" (2020). In general, I am interested in all aspects of ancient Greek literature and intellectual history, from the Archaic through to the Hellenistic period.
Current research interests
Greek literature and cultural historyJournal articles
- ‘Tragedy and Ethos in Andocides’ On His Return and at His Later Trial’, forthcoming in Journal of Hellenic Studies 144 (2024).
- ‘Arguments Employed in Favour of Unjust Action in Euripides, Thucydides and Plato’, Mnemosyne 74.6 (2021) 955-977.
Articles in edited volumes
- ‘Agamemnon and Menelaus as Generals in Sophocles and Euripides: Epic Characters and Contemporary Concerns’, forthcoming in E. Nicholson and A. Gavrielatos (eds.), Leadership Values and Genre Interactions in Antiquity. London: Bloomsbury.
- ‘The Representation of Stasis in Athenian Tragedy’, in P. Brillet-Dubois, B. Nikolsky, and A.-S. Noel (eds.), Poétique et politique chez Euripide, 197-213. Paris: Classiques Garnier. 2024.
- Rulers in Greek Tragedy. In preparation.