Dr Jesse Hill (BA (Hons), MA, PhD)
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Contact details
- Email: jesse.hill@ed.ac.uk
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Room 3.07, 24 Buccleuch Place
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Born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, a fifth-generation settler in Treaty 1 Territory, Canada, I took an Honours BA from the University of Winnipeg in 2014 and MA and PhD degrees from the University of Toronto in 2016 and 2021. After finishing up my thesis (The Latin past and the poetry of Catullus, supervised by Michael Dewar), I spent 8 months as a Postdoc and Instructor at the University of British Columbia before coming here to Edinburgh in 2022. I held a UKRI Postdoctoral Fellowship (= Marie Curie) in 2022-24 and now I've gratefully taken up a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship.
Useful Links
Research summary
- Mediterranean
- Language & Literature
- Cultural history
- Antiquity
Research interests
I primarily work on the poetry and cultural history of Italy in the third, second, and first centuries BCE. I'm generally interested in poetics and allusion, themes of ethnicity and cultural identity, and everything about literary fragments (including how to edit them).
Current research activities
I am currently wrapping up my first monograph, Catullus and the Three Hearts of Quintus Ennius, and starting on my next, Tota Italia: Poetry, Place, and Identity in Ancient Italy. But I have lots of other things on the go: my co-edited volume, Ennius Beyond Epic, will be out with Cambridge University Press in 2025; essays of mine on Ennian epigram, Varro, Sebastiano Timpanaro are likewise forthcoming; and I'm beginning to draft papers on, e.g., Horace and the tradition of republican lyric.
Hill, J. and Marshall, C.W. eds. 2025. Ennius Beyond Epic. Cambridge.
Journal Articles and Chapters
Hill, J. Forthcoming. 'Ennius pinxit, or What a Difference a Letter Makes (Epigr. I V.)'. Mnemosyne.
Hill, J. Forthcoming. 'Timpanaro and the Text of Ennius'. RPL.
Hill, J. 2025. 'Varro's Menippean Ennius'. In Ennius Beyond Epic.
Marshall, C. W. and Hill, J. 2025. 'Ennius Over-Annalized'. In Ennius Beyond Epic.
Hill, J. 2021. 'True Friendship: Ennius and Other Poets in Catullus 116'. TAPA 151.1: 155-84.
Welsh, J.T. and Hill, J. 2021. 'A Neglected Manuscript of the Glossary of Placidus and the History of the Text'. CQ 71.1: 422-39.
Book Reviews
Hill, J. 2024. 'Further Thoughts on Some Catullan Question', on T. P. Wiseman. 2023. Catullan Questions Revisited. Cambridge. Classical Review.
Hill, J. 2023. Hill on R. Maltby and N.W. Slater. eds. 2022. Fragmentary Republican Latin, Volume VI: Livius Andronicus. Naevius. Caecilius. Cambridge, MA. BMCR.2023.08.28.
Hill, J. 2023. Hill on H. Čulík-Baird. 2022. Cicero and the Early Latin Poets. Cambridge. Phoenix 75.3-4: 378-81.
Hill, J. 2022. Hill on D. Feeney. 2021. Explorations in Latin literature. Volume 2: elegy, lyric, and other topics. Cambridge. BMCR.2022.05.22. https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2022/2022.05.22/
Hill, J. 2021. Hill on T. Biggs, 2020. Poetics of the First Punic War. Ann Arbor. BMCR.2021.10.11. https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2021/2021.10.11/
Hill, J. 2020. Hill on J. Nethercut, 2021. Ennius Noster: Lucretius and the Annales. Oxford. Phoenix 74.3-4: 335-37.
Hill, J. 2020. Hill on C. Damon and J. Farrell, eds. 2020. Ennius’ Annals. Poetry and History. Cambridge. Phoenix 74.1-2: 160-63.
Hill, J. 2020. Hill on N. Ciano, 2019. Gli Aratea di Cicerone: saggio di commento ai frammenti di tradizione indiretta con approfondimenti a luoghi scelti (frr. 13 e 18). Bari. BMCR.2020.11.33. https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2020/2020.11.33/