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Name Role Business unit(s)
Professor Jayne Hope Personal Chair of Immunology
Kirsty Hope Student Experience Manager
Michael Hope Modern Apprentice - Bioimaging Facility Technician
Mr Andy Hopker Lecturer in Farm Animal Practice
Prof Ed Hopkins Professor of Economics
Cassie Marie Hopton
Kahyee Hor ECAT Clinical Lecturer
Kellie Horan
Rita Hormigo PhD Psychology
David Horn Undergraduate Academic Services Coordinator
Eliza Horn RVN General Practice Veterinary Nurse
Claire Hornby Teaching Fellow in Primary Education (ASL)
Professor Andrew Horne Director of the Centre for Reproductive Health
Benjamin Horne
Elsie Horne PhD Student
Zachary Horne Lecturer
Dr Lindsey K Horner Lecturer in Education in International Development
Dr Andrew Horrell Acting Director of Learning and Teaching / Senior Lecturer in Physical Education
Emma Horrell User Experience Manager
Dr Mathew Horrocks Lecturer in Biophysical Chemistry