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Global Health Academy
Supporting Planetary Health and the Sustainable Development Goals
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News, Events and Membership
2014 News Archive
Integrated Community Case Management
Leadership and responsibility through international partnerships
Child Health in Africa
Control of Neglected Zoonotic Diseases
Celebrating 25 Years of Tropical Health Education December 9th
THET project: Rwanda Spotlight
The Impact of PhD Researchers on Global Health
Join the Global Academies at this year's Postgraduate Open Day on November 21st
Hepatitis C-The Road Ahead. November 4th
Imagining Global Health with Justice: Ebola and Impoverished People and Health Systems
Science Communication: What scientists need to know about the media - October 28th
Mindfulness for Depression: Theory and Practice
Surgical Distance Learning Programme’s Philanthropic Activity
Global Health PhD Network Launch
Strengthening and integrating Palliative Care - October 6th
Fertility hope for child cancer patients
Mindfulness event wins nationwide competition
Launch of new Masters in Family Medicine
WHO Consultation on a draft Global action plan to address antimicrobial resistance
Postgraduate Certificate in Global Health Challenges
Research on urogeneital schistosomisasis
The neglect of infectious diseases on the developing world
Professor Lawrence O. Gostin on 'Global Health Law' - Lecture, Panel Response and Book Signing
HHRD Network Inaugural Annual Lecture
Exploring the Interface Between Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
New funding hope for sleeping sickness
Health experts help Zimbabwe's children
Exploring the Interface between Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
Maternal and Infant Health, from a Global and Travel Health Perspective
Past events: Environment and Health Under the Microscope series
Mindfulness for Depression: Theory and Practice
Combating neglected diseases in Africa
Maternal, Newborn and Child Health: insights from Bangladesh, India and Malawi - May 14th 2014
Helping improve palliative care in countries across Africa
International palliative care mentors come to Kibagabaga Hospital, Rwanda
Congratulations to Dr Narinder Bansal on "Professional of the Year"
Inaugural Lecture - Professor Clifford Leen 7th April 2014
New Masters programme in Global eHealth
OpenMRS: a modular open source Electronic Medical Record System - March 19th 2014
Visions for Change
TEDx Salon Event: Health - March 19th 2014
Cost containment strategies in health care - lessons from the world of business? March 4th 2014
Planning the post-MDG Era. March 5th 2014
Collaborative projects in Clinical Education & E-Learning in Malawi
Global Health Academy
News, Events and Membership
2014 News Archive
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2014 News Archive
News from 2014
Integrated Community Case Management
Leadership and responsibility through international partnerships
Child Health in Africa
Control of Neglected Zoonotic Diseases
Celebrating 25 Years of Tropical Health Education December 9th
THET project: Rwanda Spotlight
The Impact of PhD Researchers on Global Health
Join the Global Academies at this year's Postgraduate Open Day on November 21st
Hepatitis C-The Road Ahead. November 4th
Imagining Global Health with Justice: Ebola and Impoverished People and Health Systems
Science Communication: What scientists need to know about the media - October 28th
Mindfulness for Depression: Theory and Practice
Surgical Distance Learning Programme’s Philanthropic Activity
Global Health PhD Network Launch
Strengthening and integrating Palliative Care - October 6th
Fertility hope for child cancer patients
Mindfulness event wins nationwide competition
Launch of new Masters in Family Medicine
WHO Consultation on a draft Global action plan to address antimicrobial resistance
Postgraduate Certificate in Global Health Challenges
Research on urogeneital schistosomisasis
The neglect of infectious diseases on the developing world
Professor Lawrence O. Gostin on 'Global Health Law' - Lecture, Panel Response and Book Signing
HHRD Network Inaugural Annual Lecture
Exploring the Interface Between Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
New funding hope for sleeping sickness
Health experts help Zimbabwe's children
Exploring the Interface between Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
Maternal and Infant Health, from a Global and Travel Health Perspective
Past events: Environment and Health Under the Microscope series
Mindfulness for Depression: Theory and Practice
Combating neglected diseases in Africa
Maternal, Newborn and Child Health: insights from Bangladesh, India and Malawi - May 14th 2014
Helping improve palliative care in countries across Africa
International palliative care mentors come to Kibagabaga Hospital, Rwanda
Congratulations to Dr Narinder Bansal on "Professional of the Year"
Inaugural Lecture - Professor Clifford Leen 7th April 2014
New Masters programme in Global eHealth
OpenMRS: a modular open source Electronic Medical Record System - March 19th 2014
Visions for Change
TEDx Salon Event: Health - March 19th 2014
Cost containment strategies in health care - lessons from the world of business? March 4th 2014
Planning the post-MDG Era. March 5th 2014
Collaborative projects in Clinical Education & E-Learning in Malawi
This article was published on
5 Apr, 2019