Global Health Academy

Maternal and Infant Health, from a Global and Travel Health Perspective

Saturday 29 March 2014, 10.00am

British Global and Travel Health Association 16th Annual Conference


Saturday 29 March 2014, 10.00am

Saturday 29 March 2014, 5.00pm

Pollock Halls, Holyrood Park Rd. Edinburgh University EH16 5AY

Symposium 1 Wendy Graham, Professor of Obstetric Epidemiology, University of Aberdeen Regional and cultural variations in services for mothers and children

Symposium 2 Mary Hepburn, Consultant Obstetrician, Glasgow Royal Infirmary Healthcare for mothers and infants - Clinical and global perspectives

Symposium 3 Fiona Genasi, Consultant Nurse in Travel Health, Health Protection Scotland Health advice for travellers related to pregnancy and infants

Organised in collaboration with the Institute of International Health and Development at Queen Margaret’s University, and Medsin (Medical Students International), University of Glasgow.