Global Health Academy

Maternal, Newborn and Child Health: insights from Bangladesh, India and Malawi - May 14th 2014

Network NIDOS, Institute for International Health and Development (IIHD) at Queen Margaret University and Immpact at University of Aberdeen, are jointly organising a half day seminar to explore issues in maternal, newborn and child health in Bangladesh, Malawi and India. You will have the opportunity to meet three internationally recognised experts and to hear about the challenges they face and how these are being addressed globally and in their own countries.

Maternal, Newborn and Child Health: insights from Bangladesh, India and Malawi

To book (it is free but space is limited): email / tel 0131 474 0000

Wednesday 14 May 2014, 1.30pm

Wednesday 14 May 2014, 4.00pm

Room 0050 / Level 0, Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh, EH21 6UU