Global Health Academy

This special event included the Runa Mackay Annual Lecture which this year was given by Professor Ghassan Abu-Sitta, Gaza War Surgeon and Rector of the University of Glasgow.

Held on Saturday 27 April 2024. Event report will be published soon.

Advancing Human and Planetary Health through the SDGs

"At their core, the SDGs are about securing our health and wellbeing – as people and planet, individually and collectively."

Health affects every aspect of our lives. Planetary health is at the centre of all global health activity – essential for the flourishing and wellbeing of people and planet. The Sustainable Development Goals provide a global blueprint for reducing suffering and enabling wellbeing. We work to resource students, faculty, alumi and partners to advance the SDGs.


Agents of Change: Our Programmes and Activity

Edinburgh City Skyline

The Global Health Academy links disciplines and works across all three Colleges at the University of Edinburgh. We lead, shape and support initiatives to improve health and advance the Sustainable Development Goals.


World days for the #compassion4theSDGs project

Compassion underpins the SDGs. Throughout 2023 we are launching new resources and hosting a series of events to support practical action to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

Kabul scene with SDG 4 and SDG 5 graphics

Our Children in Conflict Group are working together to advance the SDGs and monitor girls’ education in Afghanistan.

"Compassion is the glue that holds the sustainable goals together." – Professor Liz Grant

Deepening our understanding of the science, embedding and measuring of compassion – so we organise in ways that meet the world’s greatest challenges.

Statue of scales of justice woman with COVID-19 mask and gloves

New resource examining the relationship between the rule of law and health crises, focusing in particular on the present crisis (COVID-19) and identifying lessons for future pandemic preparedness.

Working to elevate and strengthen the influence and impact of nurses and nurse communities around the world. A collaboration between the Global Health Academy and Nursing Studies.

Edinburgh City Skyline

Experts perspectives on the pandemic and exploring how to change and reshape public health systems to transform outcomes. Watch session videos and read the Declaration of Principles that emerged from this event.

PallCHASE logo

Working to ensure greater skills and attention is given to Palliative Care in humanitarian settings and emergencies. Read more

African woman looking at camera

Developing a sustainable programme of cervical cancer screening in rural Malawi

People smiling with hands joined in the centre

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