The CRH’s PCOS animation launches
The MRC Centre for Reproductive Health is delighted to share our final reproductive health themed animation with you.
What is PCOS? describes our understanding of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in a simple and accessible way. It offers insight into patient experience of the condition, the best ways to manage PCOS, and guidance of where to seek support.
- Video: What is PCOS?
- What is Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?
Professor Colin Duncan and his lab group at the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health conduct research studies into PCOS with the hope of developing better treatments and outcomes for patients affected by this common reproductive health condition.
Despite one in ten women suffering from PCOS it remains a misunderstood and underfunded women’s health issue. If you aren’t impacted by this condition, it is very likely that your friend, mother, sister, daughter or partner will be. We hope this animation provides an increased awareness and understanding of PCOS and of the help that is available.
This creative new resource will be useful for those who are experiencing PCOS and their support networks, charities and stakeholders. Hopefully watching the animation will encourage an open dialogue and discussion.
Having conversations about problems with your reproductive health can help you and others to know when things aren’t right and when you should seek help.
There are dedicated websites offering support, including NHS PCOS INFORM and VERITY (The UK PCOS charity). These valuable sources give members of the public the opportunity to access reliable information and understand the condition better:
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (NHS inform)
Parents, teachers and students can also use this resource within school science subjects to increase their knowledge and understanding of reproductive health.
Please share this animation as you wish. You may like to use the hashtags #PCOS #polycysticovarysyndrome #problemperiods #reproductivehealth and #womenshealth
You can learn more about Professor Duncan’s research at MRC CRH by visiting his profile.
For further support on menstrual health and menstrual problems in general, please visit the Patient Information page on the HOPE website: Visit the HOPE website
The CRH’s Professor Colin Duncan and Ginnie Clark worked with Alice Haskell Art to create this scientific animation.
A transcript of the video is available below.
The video is also available on YouTube without backing music here.