NHS Lothian Maternity Voices Partnership Launches New Recruitment Campaign
The NHS Lothian Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is excited to announce the launch of a new social media recruitment campaign aimed at strengthening diversity and inclusivity within its ranks. The campaign seeks to engage women and family members from a wider range of backgrounds to join this vital initiative, ensuring that every voice is heard and represented in shaping the future of local maternity services.
The MVP is working together with the Edinburgh University Pregnancy Research Team (EPRT) on this project - a group of health and science professionals working across the University of Edinburgh and the NHS. EPRT is committed to promoting and supporting perinatal research in order to improve pregnancy outcomes and experiences.
The Maternity Voices Partnership is a collaborative forum where service users, healthcare professionals, and stakeholders come together to improve maternity care in the NHS Lothian region. Through open and constructive dialogue, the MVP aims to enhance the quality of care provided, advocate for service user choices, and promote positive birthing experiences.
Recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives in shaping healthcare services, the new recruitment campaign is specifically designed to encourage individuals from all walks of life to join the MVP. By welcoming women and people from culturally diverse backgrounds, different socioeconomic groups, and various life experiences, the partnership aims to ensure that maternity services are sensitive to the unique needs and preferences of every individual. There is evidence that engaging with individuals and groups as described above contributes to developing services that are aligned to their specific needs, enhances their experiences and improves their clinical outcomes.
"Everyone's journey through pregnancy and birth is unique, and we believe it's imperative that our Maternity Voices Partnership reflects this diversity," said Mathilde Peace, the volunteer lay chairperson of the NHS Lothian MVP for over 20 years. "Through this campaign, we hope to create a space where all voices are valued, and where everyone, regardless of their background, can contribute to shaping the maternity services that best meet their needs."
The campaign has utilised a multi-faceted approach, including targeted outreach efforts, community engagement initiatives, and partnerships with local organizations to reach women and people who might not have been involved in such initiatives before. In addition, the MVP is running a series of social media advertisements.
The MVP is keen to welcome new members who will attend around 4 online meetings per year and take an active part in one or more working groups, with a focus on specific service improvement areas. Those with less time can apply to become a contact person, and provide information about what local families are saying about their experience of NHS Lothian maternity services. Also, people can choose to become part of the email group and stay in contact to offer comments on improvement work or to develop information leaflets, etc.
By strengthening inclusivity and diversity, the MVP aims to further develop its role as a platform for positive change within the healthcare system. The campaign not only seeks to recruit new members but also aims to foster a sense of belonging and representation for everyone involved.
For those interested in joining the Maternity Voices Partnership and being part of this transformative movement, more information can be found on the NHS Lothian website or by contacting Lay Chairperson Mathilde Peace: https://services.nhslothian.scot/maternity/mvp-feedback/
For media inquiries, please contact:
Mathilde Peace
Websites and social media:
Hashtags: #LothianMVP #MaternityVoicesMatter #InclusiveHealthcare
Please tag: @edinburghpregnancyresearchteam @nhslothian on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter