Information Services

Virtual platform for large events

Contract signed with Eventsair for provision of digital platform for hosting large online events

The large events platform is designed to cover the requirement to support large conference and fair style events with many hundreds of attendees, multiple exhibitors, live webinars, recorded content, and interaction on multiple levels between attendees and hosts. This will sit in the pool of services covered by the Online and Digital Events Service        

We have just signed a contract with EventsAir to utilise their platform as the tactical solution for large events. The expectation is that this platform will cover our needs for the next 12 months, until such time as a strategic platform is in place.

We are working with a core group of business units (SRA, Careers, Business School & ACE) to set-up and establish this new capability over the next two months.  We have a number of items to deal with before it can be rolled-out further (e.g. configuration, training, testing, service management, funding and re-charge models) and embedded within the University's catalogue of services. We therefore expect to be in a position to offer the platform for wider use within the University, from November 2020 onwards. 

Further information will be published in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the Project Sponsor (Clare Mackay) or the Project Manager (Chris Lawford) if you have any questions about this service.