Information Services

Digital Transformation Website now live

The new Digital Transformation website has been launched and is now available

We are happy to announce that the new Digital Transformation website has been launched and is now available here.

The website will act as the focal point for information on Digital Transformation including goals, key programmes and projects, and governance.   

A summary of the main objectives include:

  • Explain the rationale for Digital Transformation within the University, and highlight key programmes and projects.
  • Provide a platform to showcase Digital Transformation achievements, the benefits and the value of the projects being delivered.
  • Illustrate the impact of Digital Transformation and how it will benefit the work of the University and the lives of students.
  • Act as a focal point for Digital Transformation communications and engagement
  • Provide a high level overview of the programmes and projects, and a route to more detailed plans on the Information Services Projects website.

The initial site will continue to grow and develop over the coming weeks and months including updates on existing and new Digital Transformation programmes and projects, and a new FAQs page.  We would encourage you to visit the site regularly to keep up-to-date with progress, and to forward on the link to other interested teams and key stakeholders across the University and externally.  

If you have any feedback or queries about the website then please contact Alison Armstrong, Portfolio Manager for Digital Transformation at: