Information Services

Connecting your LinkedIn profile and Learning account

This page contains information on connecting and disconnecting your personal LinkedIn profile and University LinkedIn Learning account.

If you have a personal LinkedIn account you can choose to connect it with your University LinkedIn Learning account for a more personalised learning experience and access to a range of additional features. Connecting accounts is completely optional and those wishing to use LinkedIn Learning without owning or connecting a LinkedIn profile can do so without issue. Connected accounts can be disconnected anytime using the steps outlined below.

Why connect your personal LinkedIn account to LinkedIn Learning

Benefits of connecting your personal LinkedIn account to your Learning account include:

  • Your learning history can be ported across to a new LinkedIn Learning account even after you have left the University
  • A more personalised learning experience that includes special course recommendations for you based on job title, skills, and industry
  • Recommended learning content within the experience (e.g. in the feed) to keep learning top of mind and drive more engagement
  • Access to additional features including 'Live office hours with experts' events, course-specific Q&A forums (to engage with other viewers and course authors), and quick-fire publishing options to share your completed course certificates to your LinkedIn profile with ease
  • Retention of your learning history within your LinkedIn account as/when you leave the University

One thing to be mindful of when connecting your accounts is that anytime you try to log into LinkedIn Learning you will also need to log into your LinkedIn profile if your login details have not been saved by your browser. This means you will have to log into both services if you are using a University lab/library computer or a private browser, even if you only wish to access LinkedIn Learning content. 

Connecting your accounts

During the activation process (creating your LinkedIn Learning account) you will be presented with an option to connect your personal LinkedIn account with your LinkedIn Learning account. To do so, you'll be asked to log into your personal LinkedIn account and to confirm your identity. At this stage, you will be able to view and learn more about LinkedIn's Terms and Privacy Policy.

If you don't have a LinkedIn profile but wish to create and connect one at this stage, you can still do so by using the 'Not a member? Join now' option. Information on how to connect your Learning account and personal profile can be found on LinkedIn's Connecting your LinkedIn profile guide.

Should you choose not to connect your accounts during the activation stage you can do so anytime from within LinkedIn Learning using Me > Settings > Connect my LinkedIn account.

Your learning data

When you connect your LinkedIn Learning account to your personal LinkedIn profile, only your learning data will be shared with the University's LinkedIn Learning administrator. No other data from your LinkedIn profile will be accessible or shared.

Disconnecting your accounts

If you have connected your personal LinkedIn and learning accounts but wish to disconnect them, you can do so from within LinkedIn Learning using Me > Settings > Disconnect my account. If you are sure you want to disconnect your account (you'll lose access to the additional features outlined above and will not be able to migrate your learning history to another account), click Disconnect.  Your accounts will now be disconnected but can be reconnected from the same menu if you change your mind.