Privacy statement

By submitting your details you are agreeing to our privacy terms and conditions. We will use the information you provide to tell you about Edinburgh Futures Conversations events.

We will use your personal data in order to send you details on how to access this event. We may then contact you after the event to ask you about your satisfaction with the event and the booking process.  

Your data will be deleted no more than 15 weeks after the event is held unless you consent to be added to our mailing list.

If you consent to be added to our mailing list we will use your personal data to provide you with more information about other events in the Edinburgh Futures Conversations series, other EFI events and study opportunities. We will hold the personal data you have provided to us for 12 months. After this period we will remove you from our contact database. Alternatively, you can opt-out of the mailing list at any time but you will not receive information on how to access our events.

In order to capture your details and to contact you, we use dotdigital - a third party service which is not operated by the University of Edinburgh. See the dotdigital privacy policy for further information.

We are using information about you because you have given us your consent. This Privacy Statement is continued at: