Edinburgh Imaging

Current projects

Edinburgh Imaging's current small vessel disease projects.

Current projects
Title Description


Imaging NeuroVascular, Endothelial & STructural Integrity in prepAration to TrEat Small Vessel Diseases

  • A MRI study at 3T to assess blood brain barrier function, microvascular function, & perivascular flow.

LACunar Intervention Trial-2

  • Assessment of safety & efficacy of cilostazol & isosorbide mononitrate to prevent recurrent lacunar stroke & progression of cerebral small vessel disease.

Mild Stroke Study 3


  • Develop novel therapeutic treatments & finally contribute to the prevention of stroke & dementia


EffecTs of Amlodipine & other Blood PREssure Lowering Agents on Microvascular FuncTion in Small Vessel Diseases
  •  An interventional study to determine the effects of different blood pressure lowering agents on microvascular function in patients with distinct SVDs.