Dr Martyn Pickersgill - Editorial Board and Medal
[17 Mar 2016] Dr Martyn Pickersgill joins the editorial board of Current Sociology journal, and receives the Henry Duncan Medal from the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Current Sociology - Editorial Board
Dr Martyn Pickersgill (Wellcome Trust Reader in Social Studies of Biomedicine) has been invited to join Current Sociology as a member of its the Editorial Board.
Current Sociology is one of the oldest and most widely cited sociology journals in the world, and one of the most well respected journals in the field. It is a fully peer-reviewed, international journal that publishes original research and innovative critical commentary both on current debates within sociology as a developing discipline, and the contribution that sociologists can make to modern societies in a globalizing world.
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Henry Duncan Medal
Dr Pickersgill was also pleased recently to receive the Henry Duncan Medal from the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
The 2015 winner of the RSE/Henry Duncan Medal is Dr Martyn Pickersgill, Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Biomedical Ethics, Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, for his outstanding research work and leadership potential in medical sociology, science and technology studies and empirical bioethics and for his commitment to public engagement and the advancement of social sciences. Dr Pickersgill is an Inaugural Member of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland.
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Royal Society of Edinburgh news article
Dr Martyn Pickersgill's profile on Edinburgh Research Explorer