
Take our survey to help us reduce plastic waste in labs

Win a prize for completing a quick survey on your use and recycling habits for plastics in laboratory settings!

Some 20,500 institutions worldwide are involved in biological, medical or agricultural research (where plastic disposal is likely to be heaviest), so that could equate to around 5.5 million tonnes of lab plastic waste in 2014 — roughly the combined tonnage of 67 cruise liners, and equal to 83% of the plastic recycled worldwide in 2012.

Urbina, M.A., Watts, A.J.R., and Reardon, E.E. 2014. Labs should cut plastic waste too. Nature. 528, p. 479. 

Why are we talking about lab plastics? 

The University of Edinburgh is a leading research-intensive university, with more than 80% of our research activity considered world-leading or internationally excellent.  Laboratories are an integral part of the continued excellence of the University’s research, but they can also be a large source of single-use plastic waste. 

The Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability (SRS) works to support University members to be as sustainable as possible, and we have recently launched a survey to better understand the use, recycling, and disposal of plastic items in laboratory settings.

Spices in jars
The prize is from Eco Larder, a plastic-free, zero-waste shop near Haymarket

Do you work in a laboratory?

The survey is intended for anyone who is currently employed in a University of Edinburgh lab, or those working in associated organisations (such as the SRUC). For a chance to win a £20 voucher to Eco Larder, a zero-waste shop near Haymarket, please complete the survey by Sunday 23 June 2019.

Laboratory plastics survey 

What is the survey prize?

Those who complete the survey will be entered to win a £20 to the Eco Larder.

Find out more about the Eco Larder

Keen to do more?

If you are particularly interested in this subject or know someone who is already doing great work on reducing single-use plastics in labs, please get in touch.

Contact us