New Students

Resources to help you prepare

The University offers a range of resources to support you at the start of your new student journey and throughout your studies.

These resources include practical courses and advice to help you prepare for your Undergraduate or Postgraduate studies as well as your personal development goals. These are all free to join/access. 

Academic Support 

We offer a range of support, facilities and services to assist you with your academic progress and development. In addition to this, find out more about how to apply for extensions, learning adjustments and special circumstances.


Photo of support staff helping a student

Discover more about academic support to assist you


Online short courses - Free to join

There will be wide selection of useful short transition courses available nearer to the start of the academic year to all new students to take from mid-August  You will be able to access these via Learn, the University’s VLE (Using Learn as a Student)


Find out more about the online short courses that you can join and complete

Student using laptop to access online course


If you come across any issues with accessing any of the courses above, contact EdHelp 
