Information Services

New free online course 'Making Blended Education Work'

Explore challenges and advance blended learning practices in higher education.

Stylised photograph of someone using a tablet with a stylus.

How do you create an exceptional blended learning environment?

As technologies advance, universities face fresh challenges delivering courses through this evolving method of teaching, more so than ever after COVID-19 disruptions. Making Blended Education Work, a free online course, offers solutions to the higher education community on how to create, implement and advance blended learning courses.

The course is delivered by an international team of digital education experts from seven European higher education organisations: The University of Edinburgh, Delft university of Technology, KU Leuven, Dublin City University, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Arhus University, and European Association of Distance Teaching Universities.

The course starts on FutureLearn on 11 May.

Join course for free

Find out more and sign up to the online course for free at:

Making Blended Education Work

Benefits and challenges of blended learning

If you want to read more about the benefits and challenges of blended learning one of the leading contributors to the course and member of the School of Informatics, Yi Shan Tsai, has written a Teaching Matters blog:

'Spotlight on remote teaching' blog post


(Ed. This article was orginally published on 29 Apr, 2020)