Human Resources

Career Management Support for Early Career Researchers

The Institute for Academic Development has created a series of new resources to further enhance the provision of online Careers Resources, for Early Career Researchers.

Career Conversations 

A series of recorded interviews with people who have transitioned from university research positions to alternative roles and sectors. Participants discuss their research background, their motivations for moving into a new sector, how they found out what CV, skills, experience etc. were required, and how they then acquired the necessary skills and experience. Participants also provide reflections on what they would do differently now, and on what, in their experience, is required for career success. 

Career Conversations 

Micro Workshops 

The micro workshops are based on materials drawn from already successful live workshop sessions. There are four videos available: 

  • Creating CVs for Careers Beyond Academia 
  • Benchmarking 
  • Capitalise on your Research Skills to find a Career Path 
  • Career Values & Drivers 

The workshops are short, open access and accessible to researchers at all times. They are available to researchers who cannot attend scheduled workshops or 1:1 career guidance sessions, but also act as a conduit to direct researchers towards more bespoke resources. 

Micro Workshops

Career Conversations with your PI 

A short guide with information and questions to consider when preparing for a career conversation with your PI / Supervisor. 

Access the Guide