What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file downloaded on to your device when you access certain websites. Cookies allow sites to recognise your device when you make a return visit.

We use several types of cookies across the University website. Some are essential, while others you can opt out of or block. Opting out or blocking some cookies may affect the functionality of the website.

When you leave our website or click on links that lead to external websites, we are unable to control what cookies are set in any way. You will need to set your cookie preferences for those sites as well.

Why and how we use cookies

There are broadly four reasons why a cookie might be stored on your device when visiting the University website.

  • Cookies that make the website work properly for you and enable you to make use of the secure online services that we provide.
  • Cookies that collect data about your use of the website which is then anonymised and used to help us improve our online services.
  • Cookies that remember your preferences and make the site easier for you to use.
  • Cookies that are placed by third party services we make use of to enhance the information we present online. We have no control over these third party cookies.

These cookies are placed on your device either by the University or by the third parties whose services we use as part of the website.

Some cookies are retained in your browser for only as long as you visit our website, while others persist for a longer specified or unspecified period.

How to block cookies

First of all you can give your consent to the setting of cookies or remove it any time by interacting with the University cookie consent banner which is on every page of the University website.

You can also restrict or block cookies which are set during your use of the website by changing your browser’s settings. Some pages may not work if you completely disable cookies, but many third party cookies can be safely blocked.

Check information in your browser’s help section for specific instructions on how to manage cookies. Alternatively, websites such as “All About Cookies” provide comprehensive guidance.