British Sign Language Plan

Sign Language Week 2023

13 - 19th March 2023 celebrates Sign Language Week! Please see below a variety of videos, information and resources that might be of interest.

Video: Happy SLW 2023
Alison and Carri sign in BSL 'Happy Sign Language Week'.


The Centre for Open Learning (COL) offers BSL as one of their short course languages - why not have a look and sign up to learn a new language! 

British Sign Language Courses


The Scottish Sensory Centre (SSC) has a BSL Science Glossary with over 3000 BSL videos and definitions, which has been developed from the hard work of a team of 31 deaf scientists, sign linguists and teachers based all over the UK working together to collect and develop these signs. The Glossary has its own webpage as well as an app.


You can find more information about Sign Language Week, led by British Deaf Association (BDA) - the link will take you to an external page.


Sign Language Week 2022