Edinburgh Clinical Trials


This study aims to find out if the drug antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) given to women with a twin pregnancy prior to a planned birth of twins after 35 weeks of pregnancy reduces breathing difficulties in the twin babies.

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Chief Investigator: Prof Sarah Stock/Dr Sarah Murray

Number and location of participating sites: UK – 50 sites

EudraCT number:  2021-002876-38



Funder: NIHR

Start and End date

Of grant award: 1 November 2021 - 31 October 2025

Of recruitment: Grant start date: 1 August 2022 - 31 April 2025

Current Status: Currently recruiting


Website: www.stoppitstudy.co.uk


UK GDPR Privacy Statement: information given within PIL consent


Sponsor: ACCORD https://www.accord.scot/


Chief Investigator: Prof Sarah Stock Sarah.Stock@ed.ac.uk Dr Sarah Murray Sarah.Murray@ed.ac.uk

Trial Manager: Denise Cranley  Denise.Cranley@ed.ac.uk

Research Midwife: Indira Kemp Indira.Kemp@ed.ac.uk

Contact address: Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit, Usher Building, The University of Edinburgh, 5‒7 Little France Road, Edinburgh BioQuarter ‒ Gate 3, EDINBURGH EH16 4UX

ECTU Involvement: Trial management /Statistics/ Health Economics / Database and randomisation service.