Lothian Initiatives for World Aids Day
World AIDS Day is held on 1st December every year. In Scotland people wear red ribbons as a symbol of respect and support for the almost 6,000 people living with HIV. In 2012 there were 350 new diagnoses of HIV in Scotland - almost one new case a day.
Hivfacts Website and Waverley Care HIV Always Hear Campaign
The focus in 2013 will be to provide basic information on how HIV is transmitted and who is affected. The hivfacts site signposts services that offer HIV testing. Aligned to this is the Waverley Care HIV Always Hear campaign to address stigma for people living with HIV in Scotland. In the first phase in 2013 Waverley Care has produced a free curriculum pack aimed at S3 to S6 pupils, hard copies can be ordered online.
Waverley Care’s HIV Always Hear – YouGov Survey
In spite of the many major developments in HIV treatment and care, as a disease HIV remains as stigmatised as ever. A recent YouGov online survey in November 2013 shows ignorance amongst Scots about HIV facts: 1 in 10 people wrongly believe that HIV can be transmitted by kissing. Singer Annie Lennox is backing the HIV Always Hear campaign.
The Scottish World AIDS Day Action Group (SWADAG) “Know the Basics” is the Scottish World AIDS Day Action Group (SWADAG) theme for World AIDS Day 2013. It fits well with NHS Lothian’s suite of free electronic resources and the website www.hivfacts.org which explains what HIV stands for, how it is transmitted, who is at risk and where to go for testing and treatment.
Each year buildings across Scotland light up red on 1 December to show support for World AIDS Day. It's a simple, effective way to show your organisation's support for World AIDS Day - contact the HIV Scotland team for details on how to take part. Look out for the fourteen red buildings in Edinburgh city centre and West Lothian as part of HIV Scotland’s national Light Up Scotland initiative: • Edinburgh City Chambers • Royal Bank of Scotland, St Andrew's Square, Edinburgh • Regent Bridge, Edinburgh • Harvey Nichols, Edinburgh • Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh Napier University • Teviot Row, University of Edinburgh • Voodoo Rooms, Edinburgh • St Andrew's House, Edinburgh • Broughton St Mary's Parish Church, Edinburgh • Victoria Quay, Edinburgh • Filmhouse, Edinburgh • Jenners, Edinburgh • Gogarburn Bridge, Edinburgh • Livingston Centre
World AIDS Day Community Gathering - "Tackling HIV Together"
Sunday 1 December 2013, 4.00pm
Sunday 1 December 2013, 5.00pm
St John's Church, Princes Street
NHS Lothian has produced a credit card sized leaflet containing basic information about HIV - if you would like to order any copies please contact Phil Horne phil.horne@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk at the Health Promotion Service Resource Centre. These resources are available from c:card points, Healthy Respect Drop-Ins, GP practices, GMH and Waverley Care. Regional Infectious Diseases Unit (RIDU) at Western General Hospital - Ward 41 Drop- In HIV Testing Sessions 25th to 29th November as part of European HIV Testing Week