
Good Food

As a University, we recognise the need to keep food systems within environmental limits while supporting sustainable livelihoods.

 Edinburgh Food Social
We donated £2,000 to Edinburgh Food Social to support their community food education work.

The University’s Good Food Policy was updated and published, setting out commitments to increase our range of vegetarian and plant-based options, as well as ensuring that no edible food is wasted. To encourage more students and staff to use reusable cups, the University and Students' Association cafés raised the charge on disposable cups from 25p to 30p in August and September 2019.

In 2020-21, we are joining the Peas Please initiative, which aims to bring together farmers, retailers, fast food and restaurant chains, caterers, processors and government departments with a common goal of making it easier for everyone to eat vegetables.  We are committed to continuing to expand our range of vegetarian and plant-based options, and ensuring that at least 50 per cent of meal options in our outlets continue to be veggie or plant-based.

The University was recognised for its efforts by winning the Green Gown Award in 2019 for the ‘Campus Health, Food and Drink’ category.

Case studies

Five ways the University is making food more sustainable

Disposable cup charge raised from 25p to 30p on campus

Good food at a glance in 2019-20