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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Olivia Turner Postdoctoral Research Associate
Sagan Turner RKEI Administrator (PAHRC - SRR)
Dr Tony Turner Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology / Co-Director of Research, Knowledge Exchange & Impact
Victoria Turner
Sam Turner Blyth
Sophie Tutton Intern in Rabbit and Exotic Medicine and Surgery
Nicole Tweedie Content Designer
Karen Twiselton PhD Psychology
Claire Twist Client Care Assistant
Dr. Tushar Tyagi
Dr Sonia Tycko Lecturer in the History of Labour
Esther Tyldesley Teaching Fellow in Chinese
Greg Tyler Analyst Developer
Lee Tyrrell-Hendry Second year PhD Student
Evangelos Tzolos
Joost Uding Relationship Manager
Wataru Uegaki Reader
Professor Wendy Ugolini Professor of Second World War Studies
Professor Dusan Uhrin Chair of NMR Spectroscopy
Prof Asier Unciti-Broceta Personal Chair of Medicinal Chemistry - Innovative Therapeutics