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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Veronique Vitart Group Leader
Nicolai Vitt Fourth year PhD student
Anna Vittinghoff
Elisa Vivaldi
Elisa Vivaldi Tutor in Italian
Anna Vives Teaching Fellow in Spanish
Erik Vlaeminck PhD student, Russian Studies
Anh Van Vo Postdoctoral Researcher
Sam Vo PhD Psychology
Mikhail Vodopyanov Construction of Memory of the Soviet Past in Tatyana Tolstaya's Nonfiction
Gisli Vogler Teaching Fellow in the Social Sciences
Thanasis Vogogias Scientific Software Engineer
Dr Prerna Vohra Lecturer in Microbiology
Jovan Vojnovic Teaching Fellow
Jennifer Volk Senior Information and Data Systems Lead (SIDL) at CTLGH
Jacques-henri Vollet Visitor Philosophy
Frédéric Volpi Professor
Alexander Vonderschmidt
Dr Gary Vos Teaching Fellow
Anna Votsi EFI Research Proposals Manager