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Name Role Business unit(s)
Eve Redhead Communications Coordinator
Mairi Redman IHDP PA/ Administrator
Carys Redman-White
Paul Redmond Database Manager
Doug Redpath Research Computing Infrastructure Officer
Jack Reed (PhD candidate)
Oliver Reed Head of Arts
Ruby Reed-Berendt
Peter Reehal Building & Resources Officer
Mathew Rees
Paul Rees Intern in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Michelle Reeves Masters Programme Co-ordinator (Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare)
Catriona Regan Marketing and Communications Manager
Dr Jennifer Regan Lecturer in Immunology
Dr Tim Regan Group Leader
Natalia Reglinska-Matveyev Research & Operations Manager
Dr Angus Reid Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Augustus Reid
Eleanor Reid
Dr Gavin L Reid Lecturer