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Name Role Business unit(s)
Gary Borthwick Senior Research Technician
Jenny Bos Public Engagement and Knowledge Exchange Manager
Charlotte Bosseaux Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies
Karin Bosshard Teaching Fellow in Translation Studies
Ms Maaike Boswinkel DVSAP Clinician
Ewan Bottomley MSc by Research Psychology
Mr George Bottrell-Campbell Lead Programme Administrator (PGT History)
Matt Bouamrane Chancellor's Fellow
Camille Boudot-Reddy Fourth year PhD student
Elsa Bouet Tutor
Marion Boulicault Lecturer
Luke Boulter Chancellor's Fellow and Principal Investigator
Apisit Boupai
Associate Professor Petros Bouras-Vallianatos Honorary Fellow
Tamara Bouso rivas Visiting Research Student
Thibaud Boutin Research Fellow - Statistical Geneticist
Brittany Bovenzi CDT Administrator
Dr Mary Bovill Programme Director: PGDE (Secondary Education) / Lecturer and Researcher
Anna Bovo (RN, MSc, SEP) PhD Candidate
Professor Stephen Bowd Professor of Early Modern History; European History, 1500-1800