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Name Role Business unit(s)
Prof Karen Blissitt Personal Chair of Equine Cardiology and Anaesthesia
Lilia Bliznashka Research Fellow Agriculture-Nutrition-Health Nexus
Gunilla Blom Thomsen Tutor
Lilli Wolland Blomberg
Gordon Bloomer Storeperson
Professor Donald Bloxham Richard Pares Professor of European History; Modern History; Historiography
Mirella Blum (she/her)
Stef Blum-Stevenson Widening Participation Officer (ACES)
Dr Alisdair Boag Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Internal Medicine
James P Boardman Professor of Neonatal Medicine
Professor Steve Boardman Professor of Medieval Scottish History
Hannah Boast Chancellor's Fellow
Chris Bobby Senior Development Officer, Supporter Engagement
Dr Ray Bobrownicki Lecturer in Sport Psychology / Co-Programme Director: BSc (Hons) Applied Sport Science
Kat Boczek Contracts Support Officer
Dr. Eleoma Bodammer Reader in German Studies
Martin Boddie Head of Marketing, Student Recruitment and Communications
Dave Boden
Prof. Lisa Boden Head of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and Dean of Veterinary Medicine
Dr Felix Boecking Senior Lecturer; Modern Chinese Economic and Political History