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Name Role Business unit(s)
Fengying Ruan PhD Linguistics and English Language
Mr Didier Rubayiza Complaints Administrator
Ana Paula Rubio
Oscar Rubio Barber Finance Assistant
Dr Xavier Rubio-Campillo Honorary Fellow
Igor Rudan Professor of International Health and Molecular Medicine, Co-Head of Centre for Global Health
Patricia Rueda Diez Teaching Fellow and LLC Outreach and Widening Participation Officer
Mr Marcello Rufo
Marco Ruggieri MHRA Research Associate & Tutor in Italian
Dr Julius Ruiz Senior Lecturer
Dani Ruiz Gabarre Research Fellow
Brodie Runciman Teaching Fellow in Physical Education and Year 2 Cohort Lead MA (Hons) Physical Education
Hannah Runciman Microbiology Laboratory Technician
Ricki Runions Research Fellow
Michael Russ
Dr Tom Russ Reader in Old Age Psychiatry
Amy Russell Data and Geospatial Analyst
Professor Ben Russell Professor of the Archaeology of the Roman Empire; Postgraduate Research Director
Ms Geraldine Russell DHHPS Secretary
Gillian Russell Senior Registered Veterinary Nurse – OOH Coordinator